On 9/1/2010, SkillTRAN LLC acquired all of the products and assets of VERTEK OIS Inc. VERTEK is the maker of several popular PC-based products called OASYS, OASYS Job Match, Jeff Truthan and Jack Rosenoff shake handsOccuBrowse, and OccuBrowse+. The acquisition is in keeping with the succession planning of VERTEK's former principal, the late Gale Gibson. Pictured is Jeff Truthan (on the left) - SkillTRAN's President with Jack Rosenoff (on the right), Gale's business partner since VERTEK began in 1984.

SkillTRAN's purchase of VERTEK, based in Bellevue, WA, expands SkillTRAN's ability to serve the Rehabilitation, Forensic and Career Guidance markets. "The combination of VERTEK with our unique products will provide our customers a full range of tools," said Jeff Truthan, president of SkillTRAN, LLC. "The acquisition will result in greater efficiencies and significantly increase our presence in existing and new markets," added Truthan. 

SkillTRAN and VERTEK had begun discussions in 2009. In early 2010, the unexpected loss of VERTEK's principal, the late Gale Gibson, interrupted the acquisition process. In "passing the reins", Gale desired continued good care of the VERTEK customer base, preservation of his legacy, and a continuing opportunity for his loyal staff. 

SkillTRAN pledges its continued legendary customer support and sustained legacy of innovation. In Gale's honor, SkillTRAN has committed to endow the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP) Gale G. Gibson Memorial Educational Fund.

SkillTRAN will use VERTEK's existing personnel, products and distribution channels. Customers will continue to receive the same high quality products and services, which they have come to expect. SkillTRAN is delighted to begin the process of integration of these products into SkillTRAN's product family. SkillTRAN will preserve the network of sales representatives and all current VERTEK personnel. SkillTRAN looks forward to continued growth, sustained support for the customer base, and its commitment to innovation.