Exploration and Labor Market Information

All products can include labor market information (LMI), at your discretion. LMI includes estimated local, state and/or national wages, statewide and/or national labor force statistics and growth projections, and employer listings for job search and labor market survey. Depending on the product, some, none, or all of this information is available.

LMI Features of SkillTRAN Products/Services

ProductJob Browser ProOASYSOccuBrowseOccuBrowse+Web Based
Labor Market Information:           
   Wages - National / State / Local by OES Group  X  X  X  X  X
   Employment Numbers by OES/Census Group   X  X  X  X  X
   Job Numbers Estimated at the DOT Level   X        (Soon)
   Schools Information    X    X  X
   Long Term Employment Projections  X   X    X  X
   Employer Listings   Optional-Extra  Optional-Extra    Optional-Extra Optional-Extra
   Real Job Openings   Link   Links  Links  Links  Links (6)

To easily add LMI to an online report, the labor market area must be defined. In TSS and PREPOST, we use the labor market area associated with the client's address. You can override this choice at report time. This is done by state (use standard postal code abbreviations), then by city name, county, MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), State, Region (multiple States) or zip code. A zip code (such as the client's home address zip code) can be the geographic center and/or radius around a zip code. Employer listings can also be chosen by industry and minimum number of employees. You must select industries from SkillTRAN’s suggestions and/or pick industries of your own choice by industry name or NAICS code. NAICS (North American Industry Classification) is the replacement for the venerable SIC (Standard Industrial Classification). NOTE: Contact SkillTRAN to use the Employer Listings feature. It is located in a separate product at this time.

TSS - The Transferable Skills Service

Inclusion of LMI in a TSS report is entirely optional. LMI can be added for a single occupation or a group of occupations. The group of occupations can be user-entered and included in the MyList group or determined from a search of the DOT for transferable skills, or interests, or relationship to a user-selected group. Be sure to choose to save the list of selected occupations into the report. You can include as much or as little detail as you need. 

PREPOST - Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Analysis

LMI is an optional component in a PREPOST report. LMI is available for groups of selected occupations pre-injury and/or post-injury. Wages are recorded for both pre-injury and post-injury occupations.


LMI is available for a group of occupations following a search. Click on or off the occupations to include in your final report. Then click the Printer icon. Choose your report requirements, whether to include a list of occupations, and other specialized reports.  Click the Print button to print the report to your local or network printer. In OASYSWeb, you can have the report saved in PDF or DOCx format.

About Employer Listings (Contact SkillTRAN to set up access)

Employer listings are leads for job development and labor market survey. SkillTRAN does not guarantee that a job opening exists or that an occupation even exists within a particular company. SkillTRAN contracts with a third party for information about businesses (employers) anywhere in the United States. SkillTRAN updates the online employer listings on a periodic basis.

Extra space is provided with each employer listing so that you can record your own notes during your labor market survey contacts. When initially requesting a report, you can have up to 3 questions added to each listing to help you remember to ask these questions during the survey calls.


If you have the OASYS or OASYS Job Match program, you can select employers from a database that you build yourself or buy from SkillTRAN.  Contact SkillTRAN Sales Dept. for more information.


For job search directly by your client, consider giving your client only one or two pages of listings per week. This can provide some direction and incentive for sustained, active involvement in a job club.

The use of these employer listings is restricted. You may use these listings for the rehabilitation and employment related services provided by you. Other use (such as mailing lists for non-related product information) is prohibited.