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Job Browser Pro Web

JBP Web version includes all the worker trait features of OccuBrowse Web!

Features in job browser pro Web

  • All of the features of OccuBrowse Web, including the full DOT, descriptions, alternate titles, all worker characteristics, and cross-references to popular code systems (SOC/O*NET/Census, GOE, OGA, Industry, Work Fields and MPSMS)
  • Searches by Keyword(s) in job titles/descriptions, searches by SOC, O*NET, Work Field, MPSMS, OGA, GOE, DOT Industry, Census, Career Pathways, CIP, and translation of Military experience to Civilian DOT
  • Browse Groups are now arranged by common purpose and include filtering within a list by SVP and Strength Group
  • RIASEC Search - Enter a 1-, 2- or 3-character RIASEC code to see O*NET Groups and their DOT occupations within a preferred or planned (post-training) SVP range. Use with popular interest inventories!
  • Worker Trait Search allows selective use of any/all standard DOT worker characteristics to quickly identify occupations not exceeding real or hypothetical conditions (Example: Prepare a list of unskilled, sedentary/light occupations with only occasional fingering.)
  • NEW !!! DOT Estimate report prepared from a Worker Trait Search. Create a DOT-based hypothetical. Search for DOT occupations. See the SkillTRAN DOT Estimate for all occupations on the list, pre-sorted from highest to lowest employment! 
           Watch Video to see how it works! (7 Minutes)    See Sample Report 
  • Create a list of occupations meeting a common hypothetical, with OEWS Group employment AND SkillTRAN's unique industry context DOT Estimate!
  • SkillTRAN's industry context method for the DOT Estimate now has more than 120,000 links between DOT codes and NAICS Industries (nearly 3x more than Job Browser Pro PC version 1.6.8)
  • “Show all DOTs in a SOC/OEWS Group” now includes the DOT Estimate for each DOT in the SOC/OES and shows the total employment estimated for the entire group (DOT Estimate tab). Quickly see the most commonly encountered DOTs!
  • DOT Estimate tab now includes CBP hyperlink to the NAICS Industry Analyzer, which includes:
    County Business Patterns (CBP), Current Employment Statistics (CES), Display of the products produced in an industry, Occupational Staffing Pattern (from OEWS data) for each 3/4 digit NAICS, with reveal of the DOTs associated with the SOCs reported by employers in that NAICS
  • Long term employment outlook projections using NAICS 2022 aggregated coding, with State/MSA Outlook
  • Occupational Employment and Wage Survey (OEWS) 2022 for employment and wages by US National, State, and Region (MSA)
  • Census Data for employment and wages by Census group and by gender
  • American Community Survey (ACS) Full-Time/Part-Time data by Census occupation (extended to related SOC groups)
  • Single click hyperlink to all available data from the latest Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) based on Standard Occupational Classification 2018 - both Final First Wave data and published Second Wave data through 2022
  • Hyperlink to current Canadian employment and wage data by Province and major city
  • Schools data for all 50 states linked by CIP educational programs, with hyperlinks to each school's web site
  • Hyperlinks by DOT occupation to O*NET Summary Report and the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
  • Industries tab shows all NAICS associated with the selected DOT occupation - useful for Job Search, Labor Market Survey and Job Placement!
  • Industry Analyzer - Shows historical employment pattern for each 3-4 digit NAICS, with County Business Patterns (CBP) data Nationally, Statewide, MSA-level, County or Zip code. Also includes Show products/services by NAICS and typical Staffing Pattern by OES Group/DOT
  • New! Local Labor Market Analysis Report - Special detailed spreadsheet XLSx report combining Industry Analyzer, CBP Data, and Statewide OEWS Wage data by occupation and NAICS industry to estimate employment within an 1-80 mile commuting radius of a fixed street address (e.g. claimant location). Enormous detail with summary meant to supplement your understanding of a local labor market for a particular occupation.
  • Career Videos, produced by the Department of Labor, are now available within the product for career exploration and review for all SOC groups
  • My List Button - A place to keep a special list of DOT occupations of interest, whether for further exploration or reporting.
  • Real Jobs button quickly links to six popular search engines:
       Indeed, Simply Hired, Jobs Central, Career Builder, Linked In, and Glass Door
  • Reports, with/without labor market data, can be generated for one or multiple occupations, including occupations saved in "My List"
  • User-defined report formats can be named, saved and re-used in later sessions.

With estimation of DOT employment at a weighted average > 90 % for each SOC/OEWS group, we do not allow customers to immediately modify NAICS industries for a DOT occupation. We do allow customers to submit suggestions, which we will review and incorporate into a subsequent update if appropriate. We chose to prevent improper double counting and inappropriate NAICS, so we will study each customer suggestion in the context of its impact on the entire SOC/OEWS Group. Additional documentation available in late Fall 2023 on just all of what we have been busy doing in this very lengthy research effort!

All this for a single concurrent user annual subscription of $359. Unlimited worker trait and occupational searches, and current labor market information. Ask about quantity discounts!

Existing OccuBrowseWeb customers:
Upgrade to Job Browser Pro Web while signed into your existing web account. You can try out the upgrade for up to 6 days at no charge! Just click Yes on the Upgrade button to try it out. We will credit the value of your current remaining OccuBrowse Web subscription to the Job Browser Pro Web subscription!

Call SkillTRAN at 800-827-2182 to learn more about upgrading and Multi-Product Discounts!