Designing computer software to assist vocational professionals determine transferability of skills, explore occupational requirements, assist job placement efforts, classify and report occupational information and assist career job counseling.


VERTEK® was organized as a proprietorship in September 1983 and incorporated in July 1984 as VERTEK OIS, Inc. After the passing of one of the original founders, Gale Gibson, the assets of VERTEK were acquired by SkillTRAN LLC in 2010. All remaining VERTEK employees joined the SkillTRAN team of employees.

Software products originally developed by VERTEK and now maintained by SkillTRAN LLC includes: OASYS Job-Match, OASYS, OccuBrowse+, and OccuBrowse. Each product contains slightly different database selections and features. All VERTEK software products make use of occupational descriptive information, wage, and salary data, and group employment estimates (database). Explore the Products and other sections of the SkillTRAN web site for more information.