PC-Based Products: SkillTRAN products are designed to operate in the Windows Home or Professional operating systems (11, 10, 8, 7).  Windows 10 S should be upgraded by the customer to standard Windows 10 Home or Pro.

Mac Users: Many customers have reported success using our PC products on a Macintosh computer by using solutions such as VMware, Parallels, Boot Camp, VirtualBox or CrossOver.  Contact SkillTRAN for more details. 

Our PC-based software enables unlimited use and easy access to an enormous amount of occupational and labor market data, all available with a button click or two.  The PC-based software is designed for medium to heavy use of this kind of detailed data. Our web-based versions are available for annual subscription and often contain additional features not available in the PC products. Transferable Skills Service (TSS) web-based reports can be purchased by the report as needed via our web-based services. Click for a comparison of products by major features.

See the list of products below for more details: