OASYS Job Match for Windows is a dynamic software program that matches a job seeker’s skills and abilities with occupations, potential employers, job openings and training services. This software is an incredibly powerful tool for use by those who operate and manage the labor exchange service delivery process – placement specialists, job developers, career counselors and support staff.

Whether conducting specific job matching and placement functions, transferable skills analysis, building “what if” scenarios for a job seeker, or merely exploring occupations, OASYS JOB-MATCH software gives you quick, sure access to useful information. OASYS JOB-MATCH saves you valuable time and ensures results are accurately and professionally reported. Elegant “point and click” operation makes OASYS JOB-MATCH the most easily learned system of its kind.

General Functionality

Career Exploration - Access to information useful for career decision-making has never been easier to obtain. When people explore careers, they want job descriptions, work requirements, wages, employment outlook and the names and locations of any local employers likely to offer employment in their career path. And they want it instantly! Once a career goal has been selected, OASYS JOB- MATCH can report the local post-secondary schools that provide appropriate training. Cutting through volumes of data to get at useful information is only part of what OASYS JOB MATCH does well.

Transferable Skills Analysis - In every job, a person acquires skills and knowledge that they take with them from job to job. OASYS JOB-MATCH quickly summarizes their skills and knowledge from past jobs, then apples them to a work history profile. The profile can be modified to reflect formal testing, or professional observations that more accurately reflect job seeker skills and knowledge. Applying transferable skills analysis rules, the list of occupations that results from the search can then be used to match against potential employers, or open job orders.

OASYS JOB MATCH finds occupations by decreasing levels of transferability, ranging from closest matches for direct placement through occupations the job seeker has the potential to learn. This built in flexibility is ideal for youth, dislocated workers, and people in career transition.

Labor Market Employability Assessment (Pre/Post) - this module estimates a person’s employment possibilities within a geographical labor market. It uses nationwide, statewide, or sub-state labor market data supplied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as source data. The Ability Profile adjustment screen used in LMEA enables the user to record a ‘re-injury and a post-injury profile. The profile is then used to determine pre and post labor market access.

Local Job Bank - The Job-Bank option lets you create or import an unlimited number of job openings into OASYS JOB MATCH. Once the Job Bank is activated, you can either search the job seeker database for qualified applicants or use the job seeker’s ability profile to search the Job Bank for job openings. These searches use the same skills transfer logic as when the program is matching the person’s abilities to occupations. Thus, you can quickly determine whether you have job seekers see who meet the exact requirements of the job and/or whether there are job seekers who have the potential to learn the job.

Tracking - A complete placement tracking capability is integrated with the Job-Bank component. It organizes and reports referrals, interviews and other useful information related to job seekers, employers and jobs. Tracking also reports on job orders and activities related to them, such as the number of job orders entered between two dates, job orders by employer, total placements, retention rates, follow-up needs, job activity; termination status, etc.

Reports may be chosen for all the occupational information or specific sections. If you just want to print out a job description and a list of local employers most likely to hire, OASYS JOB MATCH makes it easy. Just a few keystrokes are all it takes to customize a report to meet your needs.

User defined status codes and sort fields provide a wide array of options when analyzing job referral/placement activity. You can sort reports by referral source, funding, program, job developers, or any other pre-defined code.

System Components

The Counselor’s Workstation contains job seeker information and functionality. It matches a person’s skills and abilities to the performance requirements of occupations using an Ability Profile and transferable skills analysis. It also compares a job seeker’s profile to any occupation to determine how closely the two match. Using the occupation-to-industry matrix for finding employers likely to hire is also included if you have elected to add a potential employer file (optional).

The Browse Workstation enables the user to review the occupational information contained in the system. Such information as Occupational Outlook, Schools and Training, Wages, Occupational Descriptions and Occupational Descriptors are accessible at the click of a mouse.

The Counselor’s Workstation and the Browse Workstation can be used simultaneously by two workstations on a local area network. Thus, two separate users on a network can be using two different parts of OASYS Job Match at the same time.

The Job Developer’s Workstation provides for entry and management of information about employers and their jobs. It’s the “Job-Bank” portion of OASYS. Here’s where an open job order is selected for searching the job seeker files to find best-suited candidates for referral purposes.

The Job Seeker’s Workstation enables job seekers to use parts of OASYS JOB MATCHwithout the assistance of a counselor. It is intended for use by organizations that want job seekers to play a greater role in employment activities. It contains data entry, occupational exploration, career path development and job searching functions. The payoff is that staff effectiveness is improved with less time expended on individual cases.

A few things You can do with OASYS Job Match in a Minute, or Two

Quick Ways to Find an Occupation

Ever had a problem finding a specific occupation and all the information that goes with it? Point-and-Click your way through the occupational information database in a hurry!

Typing in Key Words is a good way. Click on Occupational Titles, Descriptions, or Both, then enter Key Words and Click to search. Civilian equivalents to military occupations work the same way. Click - print what you want. It’s efficient, quick and easy to use.

Click to select any of nine indexes to the database. Click on the major, minor and base title, then Click to search for the occupational titles. They’re called “drill-downs” and it will surprise you how easy they are to use.

Job Descriptions in an Instant

Click - select an occupation. Click - display the job description. There it is faster than you can blink! Review it task-by-task, print it, copy it to the clipboard for use elsewhere, save it in a Job Seeker’s work history. Need educational requirements, physical demands, work situations, environmental variables? Easy! Click - they’re in front of you. Couldn’t be easier.

Easy Access to Labor Market Data

Highlight a specific occupation you generated on the List Screen, then Click - get national or local employment outlook. Need national or local wage and salary data? Click - it’s in front of you.

Identify Potential Employers

You’ve selected the occupation; you’ve reviewed the employment outlook and wage data; now you want to list the local employers who are likely to offer employment opportunities for your targeted job. Click - there’s your list. Click - you’re printing it.

Occupational Training Focus

It starts with a Job Seeker’s career goal. Click - get a list of schools who offer training and education for the occupational goal you’ve selected. Click on any of the schools in the list to get detailed information like address, phone, tuition and more. Then Click - now you see all the other instructional programs offered by the school. A nice way to answer the “what, where, when does it start” kinds of questions. Click, back to the school list to review another one. Straight forward and convenient.

From “Dead Ends” to Career Paths

Select a career goal. Click - out comes the list of occupations beginning with entry level and proceeding up the ladder to the career goal. Review each job on the ladder for tasks, labor market outlook, wage and salary and possible employers. Now you know why there are no “dead end” jobs. Nice way to help a Job Seeker get focused.

Referral Status

When was the Job Seeker referred? To what employer? To what job opening? Click on Job Seeker name, Click on Tracking, Click on the Job Seeker’s tracking record, Click on Tracking Details and there’s the information you requested. With OASYS, effective information management and easy ways to access it is impressive. Let your mouse do the work.

The OASYS Job Match Database


The occupational database is obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. It includes information on 12,761 occupations contained in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, along with job performance descriptor definitions and ratings for each occupation. Occupational Unit descriptions for 900 OUs in the SOC-based O*NET are also included. DOT and O*NET occupational unit descriptions can be displayed and/or printed in task or paragraph format.

  • Employment and Wage Data
  • National Employment Projections (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • National, State, MSA and Balance of State Employment & Wage Extimates (BLS)
  • State and Sub-State Employment Projections (some states Labor Market Information sources)
  • National Census Wage and Employment Estimates
  • Occupational Outlook (Projections)
  • National OES-based Occupational Projections (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Statewide OES-based Occupational Projections (BLS & some state Labor Market Info sources)
  • Sub-State OES-based Occupational Projections (BLS & state Labor Market Information sources)
  • The Occupational Outlook Handbook

The entire Occupational Outlook Handbook (BLS) is contained in the software. The OOH is an additional source of occupational wage and employment outlook information to the OES data listed above.

Job Openings - When a list of occupations is displayed, the user can right click on one and select Open Jobs in the related drop-down box. OASYS Job Match then offers selections of internet sites to query for job openings. This powerful feature makes use of web crawlers that are constantly on the lookout for job openings throughout the nation. AJB is also included as one of the selections.

Schools and Training Web Pages, Internet Access - When a list of occupations is displayed, the user can hightlight one or more, then click on the “Schools” button. When the button is clicked, a list of locations in a selected state displays the list of schools where training for the highlighted occupation is available. By then clicking on a school name the software connects to the Department of Education’s “Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System” (IPEDS) web page. Some schools shown in the IPEDS file also contain a link to the school’s web page.

Employer Names and Addresses (Optional)

A database containing potential employer names and addresses can be added to the software. The list is optional at extra cost. The list provides you with a ready-to-use database of potential employer names and addresses in your geographical area. It is used to prepare a list of businesses and public organizations likely to employ workers in specific occupations. Thus, you can quickly generate a list of employers in the job seeker’s geographic area that may have openings for the job seeker’s kind of work experience.

The following screens describe OASYS system components

  • Counselor Workstation
  • Browse Workstation
  • Job Developer's Workstation
  • Tracking
  • Tracking (Details)
  • Job Seeker's Workstation
  • Job Seeker's Workstation (Job Search Method)


Price:   Please Call (800) 827-2182 for Pricing, Customization and Configuration