This publication was the blueprint foundation for all of the definitions and concepts used to perform the job analyses that were collected to construct the DOT. To understand what Worker Characteristics really mean, study the related chapters  in this book.  This is what job analysts used when they observed an occupation being performed.  When they were uncertain how to classify a variable, they studied the examples in this book to make the best rating that they could.  Complete reprints of this critical resource book are available at Elliott & Fitzpatrick. SkillTRAN has scanned the entire book and is presenting the information chapter by chapter.  Each chapter includes a table of contents for the entire book. The Introduction page to the RHAJ clearly states that the methodology described in the RHAJ was the methodology used to gather and record information about jobs for the DOT, the Selected Characteristics of Occupations (SCO) and the Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE). Frequency counts of each of the DOT factors are printed in the SkillTRAN Pocket Guide to the DOT.


Core Concepts

RHAJ Chapter 1 - Job Analysis - What it is and its Uses

RHAJ Chapter 2 - Concepts and Principles of Job Analysis

RHAJ - Chapter 3 - Worker Functions - DPT - Data-People-Things

Chapter 4 - Work Fields

Chapter 5 - Materials, Products, Subject Matter, and Services (MPSMS)

Chapter 6 - Sentence Analysis Technique


Worker Characteristics

Chapter 7 - GED - General Educational Development - RML - Reasoning-Math-Language

Chapter 8 - SVP - Specific Vocational Preparation

Chapter 9 - Aptitudes

Chapter 10 - Work Situations / Temperaments

Chapter 11 - GOE - Guide for Occupational Exploration

Chapter 12 - Physical Demands and Environmental Conditions

Job Analysis

Chapter 13 - Writing Job Summaries and Descriptions of Tasks

Chapter 14 - The Job Analysis Report

Chapter 15 - Procedure for Preparing for and Conducting a Job Analysis Study

Chapter 16 - Plant Control Card and Staffing Table

Chapter 17 - Organization and Workflow Charts

Chapter 18 - The Narrative Report


A - Breaking a Job Down Into Tasks

B - Determining Detail Needed in Job and Task Descriptions

C - Machine, Tools, Equipment, and Work Aids

D - Bibliography

E - Agency Identification Numbers for Occupational Analysis