Enjoy these useful materials in your daily practice.

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Attendees of the NOSSCR 2022 Conference can get a 10% DISCOUNT on SkillTRAN Software and Web
       - Please call and ask for it by June 3, 2022!

SkillTRAN TRAINING - Job Numbers - Methods Matter - Using SkillTRAN for Job Numbers (total 68 minutes)

                                                [ New Information for prior attendees beginning at 38:30 minutes ]

Job Browser Pro - Introduction to JBP (27.5 minutes)

Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) in SkillTRAN Products (45 minutes) - NOSSCR 2022 Pre-conference webinar

Finding ORS in SkillTRAN products - 11 minutes


The SkillTRAN DOT Estimation Method - Revised for 2020!

Job Numbers

1991 Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs

Government Data Sources Used in SkillTRAN Products

O*NET Rejection of SkillTRAN Suggestions (2012)

Why SSA Cannot use O*NET in its present form

Recent Court Decisions - NEW !!!

Recent Changes in Web-based Products (3/15/2021)


SkillTRAN Intro Spot - 30 seconds

SkillTRAN Outro Spot - 30 seconds