One Hand / One Arm

Set Physical Demand RE - Reaching = Frequent

Set Physical Demand HA - Handling = Frequent

Set Aptitude M - (Manual Dexterity) = 4 (Below Average)

Rationale: DOL job analysts recorded no observations concerning the presence (or absence) of bimanual dexterity. Easy and skillful movement of the arms and hands is better captured in job analyst's ratings of manual dexterity requirements than frequency of reaching or handling. The filter combination suggested above provides some level of selectivity without being overly restrictive.

Impact: Setting reaching and/or handling to occasional is too restrictive (see discussion of repetitive motion disorders). By limiting manual dexterity to a below average level, some filtering for dexterity requirements occurs (3,626 occupations) without being overly restrictive. When reaching and handling are limited to occasional with below average manual dexterity, nearly all of the 853 possible occupations are professional, technical or clerical/administrative in nature and within a Skilled or Highly Skilled SVP range only. Study the table excerpts below to understand the skewing of the data in these DOT factors. Job accommodation and assistive technology may figure prominently into actual placement of an individual with one hand or one arm in the occupations suggested.

PHYSICAL DEMANDS - Frequency Counts [Full Table]

Below is the frequency with which each factor is rated in the DOT


APTITUDE LEVEL - Frequency Counts [Full Table]
