Using Grade Levels for GED-RML

Study the GED Levels for a better understanding of these factors.

Grade levels cited are only guidelines.

ged level

Rationale: The US DOL explains (RHAJ - Chapter 7) that the levels of General Educational Development (GED) for Reasoning (R), Math (M), and Language (L) are constructed to generally correspond to the curriculum taught in U.S. schools. While the DOL has not assigned grade levels, SkillTRAN suggests these approximate ranges to help interpret grade level test scores in the context of DOT levels. The exact meaning of each level is the statements developed by DOL to describe the levels. Accurate test interpretation is best done through analysis of a test's content and the individual's performance on the test items that most closely relate to the description of the level of reasoning, math, or language.

Impact: Focus on test content and performance on specific test items to most accurately determine GED levels for R, M, and L.


In 1982, the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) published the "Vocational Preparation and Occupations - Third Edition (VPO)". Volume 1. Reference D in this publication shows the following published grade levels for GED:

ged counts

It can certainly be argued that curriculum taught today varies from this table. Nonetheless, this is the source document for these grade levels.

Click for a PDF of the VPO - Third Edition - Reference D.