Knee / Ankle Injury
Adjust Physical Demands: Strength, Climbing, Balancing, Kneeling, Crouching, Crawling
Adjust Environmental Conditions: Vibration and High, Exposed Places
Adjust Aptitude E - Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination
Rationale: Some or all of these area can be significantly restricted by impairment of the lower extremities. Follow medical advice carefully, but try to assign ratings at levels anticipated with maximum medical improvement.
Impact: With the exception of Strength, none of these variables is severely restrictive of the occupational database. Study the table excerpts below to determine the impact of each characteristic.
STRENGTH - Frequency Counts [Full Details]
PHYSICAL DEMANDS - Frequency Counts [Full Table]
Below is the frequency with which each factor is rated in the DOT
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - Frequency Counts [Full Table]
APTITUDE LEVEL - Frequency Counts [Full Table]