After multiple years of development and extensive review of the way we link NAICS industries to each DOT occupation, we are pleased to announce immediate availability of Job Browser Pro PC – Version and Job Browser Pro Web!! JBP Web version includes all the worker trait features of OccuBrowseWeb!

Version was released 5/26/2022 to better align the PC version DOT estimates with the web-based estimates. Let us know of any significant discrepancies you might notice.

Improvements and New Features in job browser pro PC - Version

  • New links between DOT and NAICS 2017 Industries – (more than 120,000 links!) 3x MORE than JBP v1.6
  • “Show all DOTs in a SOC/OES Group” now includes the DOT Estimate for each DOT in the SOC/OES and shows the total employment estimated for the entire group (DOT Estimate tab)
  • DOT Estimate page now includes CBP hyperlink to the NAICS Industry Analyzer, which includes: County Business Patterns (CBP), Current Employment Statistics (CES), Display of products produced in an industry, Occupational Staffing Pattern (from OES data) for each NAICS, with display of the DOTs associated with the SOCs reported by employers in that NAICS
  • 2020à2030 Long term employment projections using NAICS 2017 aggregated coding
  • 2021 Census Data
  • 2019 ACS Full-Time/Part-Time data by occupation
  • Fresh data in the Top Jobs feature
  • Education Search can find training now by key word (Web version links to Schools!)
  • Interest Search - OOH search tab now links directly to OOH Online
  • O*NET Online button now directly links to the Summary Report
  • Real Jobs button links to Simply Hired for the selected occupation and area
  • Skills/Competencies tab shows multiple Work Fields; Extended button shows useful tips for resume writing (not from the DOT)
  • Work Situations / Temperaments tab renamed to focus on Work-side demands
  • JBP Web version includes all the worker trait features of OccuBrowseWeb!

Job Browser Pro PC Version 1.7.4 is a new installation, in a new default folder. There is a new icon (different color - orange). Because the extensive research we have done has enabled estimation of employment at a weighted average of 88.6% for each SOC/OES group, we no longer allow customers to immediately modify NAICS industries for a DOT occupation. We do allow customers to submit suggestions, which we will review and incorporate into a subsequent update as appropriate. We want to prevent double counting and inappropriate NAICS, so we will study each submitted suggestion in the context of the impact of that suggestion on the entire SOC/OES Group.

We will be publishing some additional documentation soon on just all of what we have been busy doing in this lengthy research effort!

Existing customers: Upgrade to Version available through the normal update process for paid customers current on the Internet Update Service. We look forward to your comments!

Click here to Sign Up for Job Browser Pro Web ! Call SkillTRAN at 800-827-2182 for Multi-Product Discounts!