For Important Evidence-Based Work Decisions
All NEW - Web-Based PRODUCT RELEASES!!! ... Read More ... REMEMBERING ED SMITH ...

Lookup any occupation title from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles
(Fourth Edition 1991, amended 1998)

OccuBrowse on the Web


A complete occupational information resource, OccuBrowse Web is an easy-to-use point and click web-based application for use by:

  • Vocational Experts
  • Claimant Representatives
  • Employment counselors
  • Vocational consultants
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Job seekers

Easily develop lists of occupations using the Worker Trait Search. Display to show a list of occupations containing worker trait values you choose such as a list of all sedentary and unskilled occupations meeting certain hypothetical or real conditions, like occasional reaching or fingering.  Get occupational and labor market information easily and quickly - with no leading questions to answer or input forms to fill out. Get as much, or as little information as you want.  More detailed information is just a click away.

OccuBrowse Web includes:

  • All DOT Occupations, descriptions, tasks, and thousands of alternate job titles, including military to civilian
  • Cross reference/search many other code systems, including SOC/O*NET, Census, OEWS, GOE, OGA, Industry, Work Fields, and MPSMS
  • Performance Demands and Full Descriptors
  • Reports can be copied/pasted into your favorite word processor

Search by Occupational Characteristics:

  • Easily develop lists of occupations using the Worker Trait Search.
  • Display, print, or show a list of occupations containing trait values you select. For example, create a list of sedentary and unskilled occupations.
  • Search by Key Words in the job title or in the full description.
  • Quick access to in-depth occupational information using keyword search or by entering the occupational code.
  • Search by Occupational Groups - Browse groups of similar occupations using extensive crosswalks.

As a web-based subscription service, SkillTRAN always keeps the data up-to-date. No more downloads to stay current; no IT department needed to install/maintain.

Highlight an occupation in a list to get more information. Simple tabs clearly organize the data, including:

  • Full description
  • Occupational Requirements
  • Cross-References to other code systems
  • Wage and Employment Data (US, State, Local MSA)

OccuBrowse Web is a rich and comprehensive source of occupational information that you can always access from any internet-connected browser/device. As a subscription service, you have access to these resources 24/7 from whatever device or operating system might be handy. This includes Mac, Android, iOS, and PC Windows, and can be your laptop, notebook, tablet, or even your smartphone! If your device has a web browser and an internet connection, you’ve got access to OccuBrowse Web.

Pricing is based on a modest per user, annual subscription. Contact SkillTRAN for discounts for existing OccuBrowse PC customers, multiple concurrent users, multi-product discounts, and counselor educator pricing. Unlimited access per user - Starting at only $ 199 per user per year! Perfect for corporate and government program access!


Price:  $ 199.00 / user / year  - Ask for Quantity / Multi-user Discounts - NOTE: Inquire about special pricing for existing users of any SkillTRAN PC product on current maintenance program

SkillTRAN Solutions: PC Products and Web-Based Services

SkillTRAN software solutions are available as Windows PC-based (Windows 7, 8, 10, 11) products and via Web-based Services (accessible from Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android browsers). Windows 10 S PC-product users should upgrade to full Windows 10 Home or Pro. Web-based services are available 24 x 7. SkillTRAN Solutions deliver an affordable, comprehensive, and cost-effective solution to your diverse needs for occupational information, transferable skills analysis, and localized labor market information. Which products/services fit your needs best often depends on the volume of vocational issues you encounter and the setting in which you must have this information available. If you need frequent access to various kinds of vocational information or do not always have reliable internet access (such as in a court room setting), examine our PC product line. Less frequent users may want to start out using our Web-based services. Many of our customers use a mix of our products.

SkillTRAN products are designed to work together to serve a variety of your vocational information needs. There is some overlap among the products, but the products are designed to address different aspects of vocational counseling, and in different settings. See the differences using these comparison charts for PC-Based Products and for Internet-Based Services. Some basic product differences:
     OccuBrowse - Starter Level - All DOT and worker characterisitics, Worker Trait Search and limited OES Group Employment/Wage Data
     Job Browser ProIntermediate Level - OccuBrowse plus extensive Labor Market Data, including the Industry Analyzer and SkillTRAN Industry Context method to estimate employment at the DOT level.
     OASYS Web - Expert Level - Job Browser Pro features plus unlimited Transferable Skills Searches, storage of basic client data, work history, and residual capacity profile.

SkillTRAN Solutions are deployed in a diverse range of settings. Learn how our products are used by our customers in different industry settings.

Primary Features of SkillTRAN Products/Services

Product FeatureJob Browser ProOASYSOccuBrowseOccuBrowse+
only via (CareerScope)
Web Based
Occupational Information:          
   Complete DOT   X  X  X  X  X
      All Worker Traits / SCO  X  X  X  X  X
      Cross-References to other Code Systems   X  X  X  X  X
   O*NET  X + Link  Embedded  X  Embedded  X + Link
   Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) X X     X
   Utility to display user-preferred columns of data  Web Only X   X X
Labor Market Information:           
   Wages - National / State / Local by OES Group  X  X  X  X  X
   Employment Numbers by OES/Census Group   X  X  X  X  X
   Job Numbers Estimated at the DOT Level   X        X
   Schools Information    X    X  X
   Career Videos (Web-based only)  Web-based Web-Based   Web-Based  X
   Long Term Employment Projections (National, State, Sub-State)  National Only (PC)   X    X  National Only
   Industry Analyzer   Web-Based  Web-Based    Web-Based  X
   Real Job Openings (Multiple popular sources)  Link   Links    Links  Links
   Ability to define user-preferred display columns and report formats   X   X  X
Search Strategies:          
Single Occupation Lookup [by Keyword(s)/Description/Civilian/Military] X  X  X  X  X
Show all Occupations in a Single Code Group   X   X  X  X  X
Worker Trait Search Web-Based   X  X  X  X
Transferable Skills Service (TSS)   Limited  Full  Mini  Mini  Full-OASYS Web
Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Search    X     X
Interest-Based Search (GOE code) X X  X  X  X
Interest-Based Search (RIASEC codes) X X   X  X
Industry-Based Search (NAICS)   X   X  
Career Pathways Search   X   X  X
Occupational Aptitude Patterns (OAP)   PC-Only   PC-Only  


All of our customers are very special to us.  We stay alert for new data releases from the government and integrate them into the products so you don't have to do that.  We add new features in our products from time to time.  We are known for our customer support, which includes great documentation within each product and at this web site.  We have real people to answer your questions and we can even reach out with our special internet support tools to best examine any issues on your PC and quickly fix them.  Learn about our support here.


  • OASYS Web includes all the features of both OccuBrowse Web and OASYS Web + all these additional features:
  • Search the DOT by key words or DOT code. Quick access to in-depth occupational information. Find civilian occupations from military experience. Get all worker characteristics for a DOT occupation (brief or detailed). Print a detailed Job Analysis Format for a DOT occupation.
  • Occupational Exploration - Explore the DOT using 11 Browse Groups: SOC, O*NET, Work Fields, MPSMS, OGA, GOE, DOT Industry, Census, Career Pathways, CIP - Classification of Instructional Programs, and Military to Civilian
  • Browse Groups are now arranged by common purpose and include filtering within a list by SVP and Strength Groups
  • RIASEC Search - Use with popular interest inventories to enter a 1-, 2- or 3-character RIASEC code to see O*NET Groups and their DOT occupations within a preferred or planned (post-training) SVP range! 
  • Schools Data - Lookup local or distant training programs/opportunities anywhere in the country. Link directly to its web site!
  • Worker Trait Search. Use to develop lists of occupations. Prepare for both common and unusual hypotheticals. Display, copy or print a list of occupations containing worker trait values you select. For example, create a list of sedentary, unskilled occupations with occasional reaching and handling. 
  • Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS). Single click hyperlink to ALL available data from the latest ORS based on Standard Occupational Classification 2018.
  • Create a list of occupations meeting a common hypothetical, with OEWS Group employment AND SkillTRAN's industry context DOT Estimate!
  • DOT Level Employment Estimate (available in OASYS Web only). Estimate the number of people employed in a specific DOT occupation (not a SOC/OEWS group) at the local, state or national level. Uses Job Browser Pro industry context method.
  • NEW Labor Market Analysis Report for detailed study of County Business Patterns data surrounding a designated commute radius (in miles) around a specific U.S. address location.
  • SkillTRAN's industry context method for the DOT Estimate now has about 120,000 links between DOT codes and NAICS 2022 Industries (nearly 3x more than Job Browser Pro PC version 1.6.8)
  • Show all DOTs in a SOC/OEWS Group now includes the DOT Estimate for each DOT in the SOC/OES and shows the total employment estimated for the entire group (DOT Estimate tab) and can be sorted!
  • DOT Estimate tab now includes industry hyperlinks to the NAICS Industry Analyzer, which includes: 
    County Business Patterns (CBP), Current Employment Statistics (CES), Display of the products produced in an industry, Occupational Staffing Pattern (from OEWS data) for each 3/4 digit NAICS, with reveal of the DOTs associated with the SOCs reported by employers in that NAICS
  • Work History - Easy entry by DOT Code or title. Review full description to be sure. Adjust Combination Work fields to add/drop unknown skill sets. This helps to minimize inappropriate occupational search suggestions.
  • Worker Ability Profile / Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) - Use any or all of the DOT worker characteristics defined in the 1991 Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) [with full, instant web access to the RHAJ].
  • TSS Transferable Skills Searches using RFC and Work Fields & MPSMS: 
        4 levels of Same/Similar Transferability: Direct, Good, Fair and Potential.
  • Occupational Group Searches using RFC – 4 methods:
      Standard Occupational Codes (SOC)
      Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE)
      Occupational Group Arrangement (OGA)
      DOT Industry code (DIC)
  • Aggregated Search - Single, quick search for Direct, Good, GOE, OGA, SOC, and DIC all at once!
    Fulfills POMS DI 25015.017 (I) and also searches for DOTs within SOC codes of prior work history. 

Includes Labor Market Information (AS needed):

  • OEWS Group Employment Statistics – National, Statewide, MSA’s, Non-Metropolitan Regions
  • Links to O*NET and Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
  • Long Term Employment Outlook – National, Statewide, Regional
  • Census Group Employment Statistics – National (only)
  • Industries – using NAICS codes (North American Industry Classification System - 2022)
  • Industry Analyzer – NAICS-based: County Business Patterns, OES Industry Staffing Patterns, Current and Historical Employment Statistics 
  • Canadian ESDC Employment/Wage Data – National, Province, Region
  • Real Jobs – Direct link to six different search engines by job title and selected Labor Market Area 

Great Reports:

  • You control which report sections are printed in HTML or saved in DOCX or PDF format. Some reports in XLSx format.
  • Save your personal, named favorite sets of report styles for later re-use (For example, build a unique report style preferred by each referral source)
  • Saving of Client/Claimant Data, Work History, and Worker Profile Adjustments for subsequent re-runs with different hypotheticals
  • Secure storage of client data and retrieval of encrypted reports
  • Unlimited re-runs on unlimited clients that you directly serve to explore multiple hypothetical RFC conditions 

All this for a single-user, annual subscription of $ 1,099. Unlimited TSS reports, occupational searches, and current labor market information.

If you are running (or expect to run) a minimum of 17 reports per year on our TSS system (paying $66 per report), you save money with the annual subscription to OASYS and get so much more!   At $66 per report x 17 reports = $1,122. That is less than 1½ reports per month!

Existing OccuBrowse Web or Job Browser Pro Web customers:
Upgrade to OASYS Web while signed into your existing web account. You can try out the upgrade for up to 7 days at no charge! Just click Yes on the Upgrade button to try it out. We will credit the value of your current remaining existing subscription to the OASYS Web subscription!

The Transferable Skills Service is SkillTRAN's most powerful multi-purpose web-based product. It is designed for complete vocational planning and job placement solutions of all kinds of clients, particularly for persons with disabilities or complex preferences. It is the workhorse product most often used by vocational rehabilitation and case management professionals. TSS can identify feasible occupations for an individual using residual post-injury capacities, transferable skills from past work history, preferences, and/or interests. TSS has built-in support for encrypted, confidential storage of client data.

Eight Ways to Search using Work History and Residual Funcational Capacity:

  • Generates a report intended for professional use and interpretation 
  • Transferable Skills Analysis (Classic WORK, SVP and MPSMS Model) - 4 levels of transferability: Direct, Good, Fair, and Potential
  • Occupational Group Searches - 2 methods: Occupation Group Arrangement (OGA) or Standard Occupational Classification - (SOC)
  • Interest Searches - Using GOE codes or key words of interest
  • Industry Searches - Using DOT Industry designations from work history
  • Aggregated Search - Single, quick search for Direct, Good, GOE, OGA, SOC, and DIC all at once!
    Fulfills POMS DI 25015.017 (I) and searches for DOTs within SOC codes of prior work history. 

Labor Market Information:

  • National, State and Regional OES Group Employment Numbers & Wage Information (Hundreds of Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Areas - MSAs)
  • Canadian ESDC Employment/Wage Data – National, Province, Region
  • Links to O*NET and Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
  • Outlook – National, Statewide, MSA (when available)
  • Census Group Employment Statistics – National (only)
  • Industries – using NAICS codes (North American Industry Classification System)
  • Industry Analyzer – NAICS-based: County Business Patterns, OES Industry Staffing Patterns, Current and Historical Employment Statistics
  • Real Jobs – Direct link to six different search engines by job title and selected Labor Market Area

Great Reports:

  • Control over which report sections are printed in HTML or saved in DOCX or PDF format
  • Save your personal favorite sets of report style saving for later re-use (such as: unique report styles preferred by each referral source)
  • Saving of Client Data, Work History, and Worker Profile Adjustments
  • Secure storage of client data and encrypted reports

One price – only $66 per case

  • No Signup Fee
  • No monthly minimum
  • Use this service when you need it
  • Unlimited re-runs for the same case to explore multiple hypothetical RFC conditions or new case information 

SOS - SkillTRAN Web-based Services Pricing - All NEW Web-Based Services

SkillTRAN operates and maintains secure web-based services for the processing and storage of information submitted by the customer. SkillTRAN Online Services ("SOS") are generally available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, except for periods of scheduled maintenance and emergency repairs.

The customer's access to SOS is via the Internet using a secure, encrypted connection to our web-based services. During interaction with SOS, the customer will be notified that a transaction fee will be charged to continue. These transaction fees may be changed with notice at this website and via email. All prices quoted are payable in US Dollars only.

SOS reports are tuned for several primary groups of end users:

  • Rehabilitation, Forensic, and Career Guidance Professionals
  • Knowledgeable claimant and plaintiff representatives

Reports for Rehabilitation and Forensics

TSS - Transferable Skills Service

  • $ 66.00 - Transferable Skills Analysis or Special Interest Searches
  • + Includes Labor Market Information
  • + Includes Real Job Openings
  • + Optional Business Listings (Click for pricing)

PREPOST - Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Analysis Service

  • + $ 49.00 - Report (Surcharge added to basic TSS of $ 66.00) = Total $ 115.00
    PREPOST is an optional service available to TSS and OASYS Web customers as needed. PREPOST in not included in the OASYSWeb subscription, but is available as a surcharge option.
    The PREPOST report is standardized and includes 4 TSS searches, summarized with optional unskilled analysis, presented with calculation of Occupational Loss in both table and graph format.
    Additional Loss calculations will become available in early 2019 (i.e. Labor Market Loss and Wage Loss)
    Both calculations will use the SkillTRAN Industry Context Methodology

There is no charge for searching Real Job Openings at this time. 

Transferable Skills Service (TSS) + PREPOST

  • No Sign-Up Fee
  • No Monthly Minimum
  • Strictly "Pay-As-You Go" - Report services as Needed

Click to Signup for TSS / PREPOST 


Annual Subscription Rates for Web-Based Services

For details on OccuBrowse Web, Click here

For details on Job Browser Pro Web, Click here

For details on OASYS Web Subscription, Click here